Three asylum seekers navigate coronavirus and climate change at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Alice Driver
What’s Love Got to Do With It?
“Although the world has made space for more diverse women, we are still expected to fill the role of the one who wants to be loved, to be a mother when perhaps we only ever wanted to paint, to write, to explore the world alone, on our own terms.”
The Promised Land
A trans activist from El Salvador who has helped countless trans migrant women fight for asylum in the U.S. finds asylum for herself.
My Spoon, Your Bullet
Alice Driver reports from the November protests against the Colombian government of President Iván Duque Márquez.
¡Ay qué niñas!
Niños migrantes, muchos de los cuales son menores no acompañados, viajaron a la frontera de los Estados Unidos para escapar de violencia y pedir asilo. ¿Alguien está escuchando sus historias?
Oh, Girl!
Migrant children, many of whom are unaccompanied minors, are traveling to the U.S. border to escape violence and seek asylum. Is anyone listening to their stories?
Mothers are the Backbone of the Revolution
Hundreds of Nicaraguan mothers seek justice for their murdered children, birthing a movement.
The American Way
A Chinese painter explores the US-Mexico border and discovers the reality of the border crisis.
When You Carry All That You Love With You
Alice Driver travels into the heart of the caravan.
El camino al asilo
Las mujeres trans migran para escapar de la violencia y mantenerse con vida. Alice Driver acompañó a una de estas mujeres en su viaje.