Posted inEditor's Pick

Marvel Has a VFX Problem

If you’ve seen any of the recent movies coming out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you might have noticed something’s up — or, rather, down. That something is the quality of the visual effects: sometimes overdone, other times bordering on amateur. Don’t blame the artists, though; as Daniel Chin points out in this Ringer piece, Marvel […]

Posted inEditor's Pick

Toxic Tiles

House renovations surged during the pandemic, when work-from-home policies took effect and people were looking for easy, inexpensive ways to upgrade their homes. Enter “luxury vinyl tile,” of which big-box stores like Home Depot sell massive quantities. But, as reported in The Intercept, this in-demand vinyl flooring is created from plastic made by Uyghur workers […]

Posted inEditor's Pick

Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control: Inside Shein’s Sudden Rise

Online fast-fashion giant Shein has grown dramatically and sells a massive volume of super-cheap, disposable clothing for budget-conscious teenagers. But the Chinese company has disclosed very little about its production, reports Vauhini Vara, that it’s hard to measure its environmental footprint. Lu, the University of Delaware professor, found that in a recent 12-month period, the […]