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At the end of his remarks, Obama turned to Warren and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled gamely, though if there are kisses a woman can do without, this was one of them. A Judas kiss, some would say. But if so, the betrayal was not just of Elizabeth Warren. In his remarks, Obama […]

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Remembering “Rapper’s Delight” producer Sylvia Robinson, who died yesterday. “He would say something every now and then, like ‘Throw your hands in the air,’ and they’d do it. If he’d said, ‘Jump in the river,’ they’d have done it.” Inspiration struck. “A spirit said to me, ‘Put a concept like that on a record and […]

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“Which city do you pity most?” I ask just before the elevator doors close.  They laugh and in unison say, “Vallejo!” “California and Bust.” — Michael Lewis, Vanity Fair See more #longreads from Michael Lewis