Paul Landis, one of Jacqueline Kennedy’s Secret Service agents, supposedly found a bullet lodged in the car’s back seat that infamous day in Dallas. What would this mean if true? James Robenalt sets out to analyze the bullet’s significance in a clinical manner, with his lack of hysteria and careful analysis making up for his somewhat dry approach. There are countless words on this subject, but this essay gives potentially new—and interesting—information rather than another rehash.

Then came November 22, 1963. A month after returning from Greece, Landis stood on the right rear running board of the Secret Service follow-up car, code-named “Halfback,” in the president’s motorcade as the vehicle headed from Dallas’s Love Field airport to a luncheon at the city’s Trade Mart. Landis was approximately 15 feet away when Kennedy was mortally wounded, a close witness to unspeakable horror.